Lunar Explorer

Lunar Explorer Testimonials

“Lunar Explorer is simply the best simulation product that I have seen, bar none. What you guys have done is head and shoulders above everything else out there.”

— From a Senior Staff Scientist at NASA Ames

“Thank you for your help and patience. Your customer service has been outstanding and I DO appreciate it.”

— From an Aerospace Education Officer with the Civil Air Patrol in Medina, OH

“I’ve enjoyed your Lunar Explorer program very much.  Having spent many hours studying the Moon through my telescope, it is a real pleasure to get a chance to actually “visit” the surface myself.  I’ve also found it very informative to be able to follow the pathways of the lunar rovers that were left behind on the Moon.  It puts the explorations of the Apollo astronauts in much greater context than simple maps and diagrams.”

— email from Mr. Clark H

“Thank you for the copy of Lunar Explorer.  I passed it along to Rob Lloyd, our Creative Director, and he is rather impressed by the fidelity of the visual database.  He has some ideas on how we could put it on a motion platform to give users a visceral, “seat-of-the-pants” experience to go along with it.”

— from Alex Howerton of NASTAR Center (The people who built the Epcot Mars Experience)

“But let me say right now that even as I write this and I’ve still not been able to unlock the entire Lunar Explorer program I am intensely grateful and thankful to you and the entire team responsible for allowing me the opportunity to vicariously experience what it must have been like to actually fly over the Moon’s surface.  When I was able to insert into lunar orbit and fly from the dark side into the light past the terminator and watch that topography unfolding below my field of vision I felt as if I was REALLY there!  To me, that alone has been worth the price I paid for Lunar Explorer.  Everything else will be icing on the cake.  And like a little kid at Christmas I can’t wait.  I’m really, really looking forward to actually ‘walking’ on the Moon.”

— from Mr. Dan Ciolek
A view of Plato Crater on the north edge of Mare Imbrium while orbiting at 100 Km altitude